The film tells the adventures of Masha and the Bear, from a wedding to a New Year's holiday.
Big Bear leaves his comfortable home for the first time in many years and finds himself in the center of the social life of a big city to achieve his dream goal. Now he is a wedding photographer and Masha is his assistant! Farewell, solemn ceremonies! After? Just a few days before the new year, you can meet the magical guardians of nature called the Twelve Moons, who come together only once a year. While the Bear and the other forest dwellers prepare for an unforgettable holiday, Masha meets little January, Lord of Ice.
The film tells the adventures of Masha and the Bear, from a wedding to a New Year's holiday.
Big Bear leaves his comfortable home for the first time in many years and finds himself in the center of the social life of a big city to achieve his dream goal. Now he is a wedding photographer and Masha is his assistant! Farewell, solemn ceremonies! After? Just a few days before the new year, you can meet the magical guardians of nature called the Twelve Moons, who come together only once a year. While the Bear and the other forest dwellers prepare for an unforgettable holiday, Masha meets little January, Lord of Ice.
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